Swimming Pool Heater - Pool Heater - Pool Heating Systems (2024)

Heating your swimming pool makes the water more comfortable and can significantly extend the period in the year when your outdoor pool can be used. Combine your pool heater with a suitable enclosure and you immediately save wasted energy and improve your swimming pool experience. The right swimming pool heater will give you hours of endless relaxation in your swimming pool no matter what the weather.

Pools heating

Choosing between an electric pool heater, a gas or oil-based oil based boiler heating system or a heat pump can be a little tricky. However, UK Pool Store have many years of experience within the swimming pool heating industry and as such we have a superb customer service team who will be able to assist you in making the right decision for your swimming pool heating requirement.

Your swimming pool heater is a must-have must have and as such we have various swimming pool heating solutions.

Solar heating for Swimming Pools

With costs escalating, the prospect of heating your swimming pool using the energy of the sun is a more than exciting prospect. With the correct equipment, this can be achieved saving you hundreds of pounds heating your swimming pool every year.

For optimal performance, you may wish to use solar pool heating in conjunction with other methods of heating the pool water due to the unpredictable seasonal weather. If solar heating is used as a secondary source it will still save you money on your heating costs.

There are various designs of panels which ultimately work in different ways. In the main, the premium solar panel systems are controlled by a different controller which is set to measure the temperature of the water and the temperature of the air. When the air is sufficiently warmer than the water of the pool the system starts, otherwise the heat from the pool would radiate the air and consequently the cooler air could reduce the temperature of the pool.

Some of the cheaper systems which are used mainly on above-ground pools do not have this option so it is important to test this yourself manually before switching on the system.

Swimming Pool Heat Pumps

One of the main advantages of swimming pool heat pumps over other pool heating systems is that they require no complicated gas supply, oil tanks or flues and in the main will operate from small capacity electrical supplies.

In addition, the average pool owner doesn’t want the trouble of constantly monitoring the heating so most systems are fully automatic and need only one control – the pool water thermostat.

Being easy to install, quiet in operation and their reliability swimming pool heat pumps are a popular choice. Ideal for the domestic environment.

Based on old technology used in refrigeration and air conditioning swimming pool heat pumps take the warmth out of the air, by compressing a gas which in turn increases in temperature heating the water as it passes through the exchanger. Most heat pumps can provide up to 5 units of energy to the pool for every 1 unit paid for.

For further information please contact our customer services team who have years of experience within the swimming pool heating arena.

Electric heating for a pool Swimming Pool Heater

Electric Swimming Pool Heaters are in many cases the preferred method to heat your pool water. You can improve the costs of operating your electric swimming pool heater by combining the operation of the electric heater with an economy 7 supply tariff and possibly the introduction of solar panels, making the most of those warm summer days. Electric swimming pool heaters are a very effective and efficient way of heating your pool and when combined with the right pool cover you can make further energy savings.

Gas Swimming Pool Heaters

The most common type of heater and the most economical is the gas pool heater. Gas Pool Heaters (otherwise known as Gas Boilers) are a great way to heat your swimming pool all year round and are available for indoor and outdoor pools.

These types of heaters must be installed by a registered gas engineer in accordance with the appropriate regulations. These include the size and position of the flue, the gas supply and ventilation. Some gas heaters are designed to stand outside a building in the open air and in this case, there is no flue but the positioning of the heater the heaters positioning is important and again must be in accordance with regulations.

In general, there are three separate switches which control the heater. Firstly is the on/off switch on the heater itself. Secondly is the thermostat, which will allow you to set your desired temperature of the water and finally a gas co*ck on the gas supply. This is a small valve which will allow you to open or shut off the gas supply to your heater.

The heater also has three built-inbuilt in safety devices to protect yourself and the equipment from various elements. Firstly is a high-limit high limit thermostat, which will shut down the heater if it gets too hot and consequently switch the heater back on when it has cooled down.

A safety gas valve, which will cut off the gas supply if the flame or pilot light goes out and a pressure switch which will turn the heater off if the pool water stops flowing and back on once flow has resumed.

Pool oil heaters

Oil boilers have long been used to heat swimming pool water but nowadays are less common in residential applications, none the less they are still a very efficient method of heating your swimming pool.

They are fundamentally designed identically to gas-fuelled units, except they burn oil instead of gas. Some oil-fired oil fired pool heaters have the pool water flowing directly through them, in others cases, cases a domestic oil heater is used in conjunction with a swimming pool heat exchanger.

As with a gas boiler, the flue and ventilation requirements are critical. Care must be taken when sighting the boiler to ensure that flues do not terminate close to windows, to boundaries etc. Additionally, these stand-alone stand alone pool boilers will require a connection to an oil supply whether existing or a dedicated tank.

Swimming Pool Heat Exchanger

Standalone Heat Exchangers are a very effective and economical method of heating your swimming pool. Providing your domestic household energy source is sufficient, they utilise this heating system to transfer the heat to your pool water when not required by the house.

The heat exchanger has an outer shell that contains a multitude of small-bore tubes. The hot water from the house boiler circulates between the heater shell and the tubes; the pool water flows through the tubes and is heated by them. The two waters do not mix. The water from the house heating comes through pipes, which are connected to the heat exchanger and the pool water thermostat controls the pool temperature.

Swimming Pool Heater - Pool Heater - Pool Heating Systems (2024)


What is the most efficient pool heating system? ›

Pool heat pumps are your most energy efficient option, in most cases. Use energy-efficient outdoor lighting. LED lights will burn less energy than traditional incandescent fixtures. Choosing solar lights will even further cut your energy consumption.

Does a pool heater use a lot of electricity? ›

So, how much electricity does a pool heat pump use? About 5 kilowatts per hour per 100,000 BTU heat pump. For a general 100,000 BTU pool heat pump, the power you`ll utilize is approximately 5,000 Watts per hour. Typically, the National average for power stands at 13 cents for every kilowatt-hour.

What is the difference between a pool heater and a pool heater pump? ›

A gas heater will definitely heat your pool faster, but you'll pay a price for it when the energy bill comes. On the other hand, a heat pump will provide an even and consistent heat once it reaches your ideal temperature, operating with much less effort.

How hot can a pool heater make a pool? ›

It depends on factors such as ambient air temperature, the specific heat pump model, the size of your pool, and the efficiency of installation along with a few others. That being said, you can reasonably expect a premium-grade pool heat pump like those by AquaCal to warm your swimming pool to between 78°F and 104°F.

What is the cheapest way to heat a pool? ›

1. Use a Solar Cover for Your Pool. One of the most cost-effective heating methods for retaining heat in a swimming pool is installing a solar cover, keeping water up to 10 degrees warmer than with only a heater. The root cause of heat loss in a pool is evaporation.

Is it cheaper to keep pool heater on all the time? ›

Also, turn the temperature down or turn off the heater whenever the pool won't be used for several days. This will save energy and money. It's a myth that it takes more energy to heat a pool back up to a desired temperature than you save by lowering the temperature or turning off the heater.

Is it OK to run pool heater all night? ›

We do not recommend leaving a pool heater on overnight for most property owners, even ones with advanced solar heating systems. The massive power draw will negate any savings they gain from using solar cells and receiving renewable credits from the government.

Is it worth putting a heater in a pool? ›

Whether a pool heater is worth it depends on various factors, including your climate, usage preferences, and budget. For many homeowners, the ability to enjoy their pool year-round and the peace of mind that comes with professional installation and maintenance make it a worthwhile investment.

How many hours should I run my pool heater? ›

A bigger pool heater may only require two hours to have a pool nice and warm and a smaller heater made need three hours to get that same size swimming pool to a comfortable swim temperature. The type of swimming pool heater a homeowner has will also be a factor in when to run a pool heater.

What are the cons of a pool heater? ›

A gas pool heating system has its drawbacks. Not only does its required fuel add to your utility bill, but it also is only efficient if used for short periods of time. It also produces emissions since the heater burns fuel, so it isn't eco-friendly.

How do I know what pool heater to buy? ›

Once you know the surface area, divide that number by 3, then multiply by 1,000 to get the minimum BTU rating recommended for your pool. Of course, you can always go higher than this number, but it serves as a handy “bottom line” standard to get you started in your search for a correctly sized pool heater.

Is it better to have a gas or electric pool heater? ›

Efficiency and Installation

By nature, gas heaters have a greater environmental impact than electric ones. However, electric heaters take longer to warm up your pool water and are less efficient in very cold temperatures. This is because they rely on outside heat to warm up the pool water.

How long does it take to heat a 10,000 gallon pool? ›

To heat, an average pool (10-12K Gallon) with no solar cover typically takes 8-14 hours.

What is a good pool temperature for swimming? ›

Safety and Comfort

For example, Mayo Clinic suggests that younger children and the elderly will generally need warmer temperatures ranging from 84°F to 94°F, while a comfortable pool temperature for adults is 85°F to 89°F. If you are swimming for fitness, cooler temperatures of 78°F to 84°F are recommended.

How cold is too cold for a pool heater? ›

Most heat pumps shut down when the outside temperatures go down below 55° degrees, some can continue to operate down to the mid to low 40's, and some can operate in temperatures of mid to low 20's.

Is it cheaper to heat a pool with gas or electric? ›

Gas is typically cheaper than electric when it comes to the initial cost. However, it relies on the prices of natural gas and propane, meaning that despite the equipment being a bit on the less expensive side, the cost to operate a is usually more expensive in the longer run.

Are newer pool heaters more efficient? ›

Gas-fired pool heaters remain the most popular system for heating pools. Today you can find new gas-fired heater models with much higher efficiencies than older models. However, depending on your climate and pool use, they may not be the most cost-effective option when compared to heat pump and solar pool heaters.

What is the cheapest way to run a swimming pool? ›

How Can I Reduce My Pool Running Costs?
  1. Install a pool cover.
  2. Use a variable speed pump & run your pump at night. ...
  3. Use solar to heat your pool. ...
  4. Clean your filter regularly. ...
  5. Keep your pool water balanced. ...
  6. Minimise the use of pool lights. ...
  7. Use a robotic cleaner. ...
  8. Automate your pool.

What are the cons of a heat pump pool? ›

Cons of electric heat pumps:
  • Expensive to purchase and install.
  • May heat pool water slowly.
  • Typically can't work in outside temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

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