What We Know About MrBeast's Girlfriend Thea Booysen - Nicki Swift (2024)


ByTracey Johnson

In September 2022, Jimmy "MrBeast" Donaldson revealed he has a girlfriend on the "Flagrant" podcast. While he didn't name Thea Booysen as the lady in his life, he did mention that they had been dating for six months. He also described his reaction to first meeting Booysen, revealing, "I was like, 'Holy s**t, this girl is beautiful. But I have to go through the test.'" It turns out that to date the YouTuber, you have to meet some very specific criteria. He explained, "Idon't really get along with women if they don't love learning, they're not obsessive, they don't have a hobby ... There's just certain things, where if you have these traits, we get along really well."And if you're curious about whether the content creator put her through the wringer, Booysen confirmed this in a candid conversation on the"Wide Awake" podcast.

Booysen revealed that her now-boyfriend was low-key quizzing her, and she didn't have a clue."Little did I know he was actually going off a list because he was looking for a new girlfriend potentially." Donaldson, who was waylaid in SouthAfrica while on a trip to Antarctica, evidently decided to make good use of his time in Booysen's home country and tried to figure out if they would be well suited for each other. TheaBeasty may just be MrBeast's perfect match.

Thea Booysen's academic and family roots

Thea Booysen doesn't just have one, but count 'em, two degrees! And she doesn't plan on slowing down anytime soon.

During a guest appearance on the "Wide Awake" podcast,Booysen discussed her academic journey, highlighting her impressive law and psychology degrees and her ambitious plans for the future. She explained,"The next step is neuropsychology, which will be my master's Degree. Essentially, it's learning the biology of the brain, and I'm hoping I can apply that in my work. Maybe I go into academics."

Booysen still makes time to visit her family in Cape Town, South Africa.In April 2023, she took to Instagram and shared a delightful carousel of photos, capturing the precious moments spent with her mom during their visit.Her location and sister are two reasons that she met her boyfriend, Jimmy Donaldson, in the first place. The Twitch streamer appeared on the "Expresso Show" and shared that MrBeast was stuck in Cape Town after his trip to Antarctica was canceled due to the COVID crisis. As the story goes, one evening, MrBeast went clubbing and met her sister, Louisa. She shared, "I got a call on WhatsApp, and it's MrBeast on the phone, and [Louisa is] trying to play wingman... Yeah, she basically got us to meet in person, and we immediately hit it off. We had so much in common, and he visited me like two more times in South Africa, and then I went back to him, to America, basically."

Author Thea Booysen is also an eSports caster

Thea Booysen is nothing if not dedicated. She started writing her sci-fi novel, "The Marked Children,"while in high school atage 17.She published the tome in 2022 afterseven years of hard work.During her appearance on Joshua Rubin's "Wide Awake" Podcast, the author candidly revealed her motivation behind choosing the science fiction genre."I was like, all right, what if we wrote a book that happened right now, which makes it plausible? Like, I want you to .. read this book and think, 'What if this is happening? What if this happened to me tomorrow?' There's no proof it's not happening," she said.

Booysen is also an avid gamer and eSports caster,explaining to Rubin that she initially justified gaming by using Twitch and labeling her downtime from her studies as her time tosocialize. Her income stream from the platform was minute in the beginning, but it grew exponentially during the pandemic. Eventually, she began casting eSports, particularly "Gwent: The Witcher Card Game." Booysen explained, "The company approached me at the start of 2020 and were like, 'Would you work for us as an official caster?'" It was the start of her career. As she told the Expresso Show, "What started off as a hobby, basically, became my full-time job." With so many shared interests, it's no wonder MrBeast has said Booysen ticks all his boxes.


What We Know About MrBeast's Girlfriend Thea Booysen - Nicki Swift (2024)
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