SCAVENGER HUNT Let's agree to meet in classroom 2e (2024)

Hogwarts Mystery Scavenger Hunt! Here are the answers based on the clues you provided.Let’s agree to meet in classroom 2e with You may see a pineapple dancing in this class.

SCAVENGER HUNT Let's agree to meet in classroom 2e (1)
  • you may know me as classroom 1b
  • suggests the answer to another location might be Potions Classroom.
  • “Is that a teacup with legs on that desk
  • doesn’t directly translate to a location but might be a reference to a creature studied in Herbology.

Let’s agree to meet in classroom 2e:

A:Herbology Classroom

You may see a pineapple dancing in this class:

A:Herbology Greenhouse

The walls are lined with strange concoctions:

A:Potions Classroom (Likely Classroom 1B based on another clue)

Grab your brooms and gear up for quidditch:

A:Quidditch Pitch

An aisle connecting rooms in a western tower:

A:West Tower Corridor

You may find some treasure down here:


You can spend your break in this open space:


It’s easy to get turned around here:

A:Hogwarts Maze

I can hear a pin drop here:

A:The Library

One of the coldest classrooms at hogwarts:

A:Charms Classroom

There may be a forbidden cursed vault here:

A:Forbidden Forest (Grove)

Your magical abilities really bloom here:

A:Herbology Classroom (Likely Classroom 2E based on another clue)

Scrapes and bruises get treated here.
A:Hospital Wing

Some well-polished manacles hang here.
​A:Filch’s Office

Stone homes in the middle of the lake.
A:Merpeople Village

The best Butterbeer in Hogsmeade is here!
A:Three Broomsticks

The home of the Acromantulas.
A:Spider’s Lair

The oldest pub in London!
A:Leaky Cauldron

The one place where electricity (sort of) works.
A:Muggle Studies

The owner remembers every item ever sold!

The prime outlet of Frog Spawn Soap!

The Professor here plants seeds of learning!

The safest place in the world for anything

The social hub of Hogsmeade!
A:Three Broomsticks

The stars are best seen from this tower.
A:Astronomy Tower

The tallest tower at Hogwarts.
A:Astronomy Tower

The walls are lined with strange concoctions.

There may be a forbidden Cursed Vault here!
A:Forest Grove

There’s a ghost teaching this class!
A:History of Magic

There’s lots of confiscated items here!
A:Filch’s Office

This is where you find the Supreme Mugwump!
A:Dumbledore’s Office

To the left of a statue of Boris the Bewildered.​
A:Prefect’s Bathroom

To the west is a long hall — that’s all!
A:Corridor (West Tower)

Two golden cat statues stand proudly.
A:Transfiguration Class

Watch out for that branch!
A:Whomping Willow

Watch out for the Grindylows!
A:Black Lake Underwater

Watch out for the red-capped fiend here!
A:Red Cap’s Hole

What is the function of a rubber duck?
A:Muggle Studies

What’s that I see? It’s Classroom 3C!
​A:Defense Against the Dark Arts

Where can I find a pumpkin at Hogwarts?
A:Hagrid’s Garden

Where our fine-feathered friends roost.

Where we all come together.
A:Great Hall

Where would you find Jae Kim?

Where you go to watch Quidditch matches.
A:Quidditch Stands

Who… Who… Who goes there?

Yeh get a lot o’ funny folk’ here.
A:Hog’s Head Inn

You can attend book signings here!
A:Flourish & Blotts

You can comment on Quidditch here!
A:Commentary Box

You can spend your break in this open space.

You may find some treasure down here!
A:Red Cap’s Hole

You may know me as Classroom 1B.
A:Transfiguration Class

You may see a pineapple dancing in this class.

You may see centaurs here getting water.
A:Forest Lake

You may see Fang amongst the pumpkins!
A:Hagrid’s Garden

You may want to invest some time here.

You might find a grand feast or two here!
A:Great Hall

You should really check out this location.

You’ll brew up a good time here!

You’ll find a portrait of a mermaid on the wall.
A:Prefect’s Bathroom

You’ll find many creatures here!
A:Care of Magical Creatures

You’ll find secret passages in the paintings!
A:Grand Staircase

You’ll have gobs of fun in this place!

You’ll meet the Quidditch team out here to play.
A:Quidditch Pitch

You’ll need to bring a gift if you want to visit.
A:Centaur Camp

Your class starts when the stars are in the sky!
A:Astronomy Tower

Your magical abilities really bloom here.

A passage connecting rooms.
A: Corridor

A cosy hut for a beloved Gameskeeper.
A: Hagrid’s Hut

A cross between an attic and an old tea shop.
A: Divinations

A crystal ball wouldn’t be out of place here!​
A: Divinations
​A flat, grassy area perfect for learning to fly.
A:Training Grounds

A portrait of Percival Pratt hangs here.

A real snooze-fest.
A:History of Magic

A safe harbour.

A small clearing in the Forbidden Forest.
​A:Forest Grove

Allegedly as old as Hogsmeade itself!
A: Three Broomsticks

I a-shore you this place is great for a swim.

I can hear a pin drop here.
A:LibraryI heard a cat

Animated teaches this class!
Transfiguration Class

I hope you know the Bubbble-Head Charm!
A:Black Lake Underwater

I hope you’re dressed to meet the Merqueen!
A:Merpeople Village

I predict that you will find this location!

I really lake this spot in the forest.
A:Forest Lake

I shore hope you brought your swim gear!

If you’re lucky, you may see a bird catch fire.
A:Dumbledore’s Office

Is that a Chimaera I see?
A:Care of Magical Creatures

An aisle connecting rooms in a western tower.
A: Corridor (West Tower)

An ever changing way to move between floors.
A:Grand Staircase

Are you ready for a moment of vivification?
​A:Changing Room

Around the corner from Diagon Alley.
A:Knockturn Alley

Best seats in the house for a Quidditch match!
A:Quidditch Stands

Care for a rock cake? You’ll find some here!
A:Hagrid’s Hut

Where we all come together:

A:Great Hall

No cursing allowed in this classroom:

A:Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom

Is that a fountain I hear?:

A:Entrance Hall (based on the sound)

You’ll have gobs of fun in this place:

A:Charms Classroom

Some well polished manacles hang here:

A:Auror Office

The prime outlet of frog spawn soap:

A:Floo Network Fireplaces

Invest some time here:The Library (repeated clue)

Greenhouse Three is a must-see:

A:Herbology Greenhouse 3

Meet the Quidditch team out here:

A:Quidditch Pitch (repeated clue)

Brew up a good time here:

A:Potions Classroom (repeated clue)

A real snooze fest:

A:History of Magic Classroom

Comment on Quidditch here:

A:The Owlery (where students send messages, including about Quidditch)

Run by the hilarious Biltosh Bilmes:

A:Herbology Classroom (repeated clue)

Best seats in the house for a Quidditch match:

A:Gryffindor Tower (assuming you’re a Gryffindor)

Two golden cat statues stand proudly:

A:Gryffindor Tower Entrance (based on the statues)

Close to the Hufflepuff common room:H

A:erbology Classroom (repeated clue, assuming it’s near greenhouses)

A flat grassy area perfect for learning to fly:

A:Quidditch Pitch (repeated clue)

Allegedly as old as Hogsmeade:

A:The Shrieking Shack

You may see Fang among the pumpkins:

A:Hagrid’s Hut (where Fang lives)

New students dock here at the start of the year:

A:Hogwarts Grounds (near the lake)

Only 6 visitors per patient please:

A:Hospital Wing

Classroom 1B:

A:Potions Classroom (repeated clue)

Classroom 2E:

A:Herbology Classroom (repeated clue)

Owned and operated by a Dumbledore:

A:The Owlery (run by Madam Olivia Punksworth, Dumbledore’s relative)

Where our fine feathered friends roost:

A:The Owlery (repeated clue)

Practice your spells on the dummies out here:

A:Dueling Club Courtyard

A safe harbor:

A:The Room of Requirement

Supreme Mugwump:

A:Headmaster’s Office (Dumbledore is the Supreme Mugwump)

Scrapes and bruises get treated here:

A:Hospital Wing (repeated clue)

Care for a rock cake? You’ll find some here:

A:The Great Hall (repeated clue)

An ever-changing way to move between floors:

A:Moving Staircases

Chintz armchairs and little pouffes:

A:Gryffindor Common Room (assuming you’re a Gryffindor)

The walls are lined with strange concoctions:

A:Potions Classroom (repeated clue)

Care for a rock cake?:

A:The Great Hall (repeated clue)

Stone homes in the middle of the lake:

A:Merperson Village

Cat animagus teaches this class:

A:Transfiguration Classroom (Professor McGonagall is a cat animagus

Careful of the webs!
​A:Spider’s Lair

Chintz armchairs and little pouffes, anyone?

Close to the Hufflepuff Common Room.

Come here if you have a cough or runny nose
A:Hospital Wing

Don’ want no one ter see yeh down there…’
A:Knockturn Alley

Don’t let Pitts catch you in here!

Fancy a bath?
​A:Prefect’s Bathroom

Grab your brooms and gear up for Quidditch!
A:Changing Room

Grab your schoolbooks in Diagon Alley!
A:Flourish & Blotter

Greenhouse Three is a must-see!

Hagrid has strange things growing here.
A:Hagrid’s Garden

Human visitors are rarely allowed at this Camp.
A:Centaur Camp

Is that a fountain I hear?

Is that a teacup with legs on that desk?
A:Grand Staircase

It’s easy to get turned around here.
A:Transfiguration Class

It’s time to play Quidditch!
A:Quidditch Pitch

Let’s agree to meet in Classroom 2E.

Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C

Mundungus Fletcher’s favourite alley.
A:Knockturn Alley

Murphy McNully’s throne, so to speak.
A:Commentary Box

New students dock here at the start of the year.

No cursing allowed in this classroom.
​A:Defense Against the Dark Arts

One of the coldest classrooms at Hogwarts!

Only 6 visitors per patient, please!
A:Hospital Wing

Overdue books must be returned immediately!

Owned and operated by a Dumbledore.
A:Hog’s Head Inn

Planted in 1971 to hide a secret passage.
A:Whomping Willow

Practise your spells on the dummies out here!
A:Training Grounds

Rubber ducks, toaster, and blenders — oh my!
A:Muggle Studies

Let’s agree to meet in classroom 2e:

A:Herbology Classroom (repeated clue)

Run by the hilarious Bilton Bilmes.

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SCAVENGER HUNT Let's agree to meet in classroom 2e (2024)


What's classroom 2E in Hogwarts Mystery? ›

Affiliation. The Charms Classroom (designated Classroom 2E) was where Charms classes were taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and it was located on the third floor, on the Charms corridor, near another classroom.

How do you do a scavenger hunt in the classroom? ›

Post “cards” around the room (or into the halls) with specific learning tasks on them. Prepare an answer page that each student will carry around. Students are told a starting point in the scavenger hunt. After working through the first card (their starting point), students walk around to find the answer.

What are the answers to Penny's potions? ›

​Penny will test your knowledge on the potions you'll need to find the Cursed Vaults.
  • What's in Doxycide? - Dragon Liver. - Ginger Root. ...
  • What's in Forgetfulness Potion? - Valerian Sprigs. - I forget. ...
  • What's in Wideye Potion? - Standard Ingredient. - Wolfsbane. ...
  • What's in Polyjuice Potion? - Mistletoe Berries.

Why is it called classroom 2E? ›

The term “twice exceptional” or “2e” refers to intellectually gifted children who have one or more learning disabilities such as dyslexia, ADHD, or autism spectrum disorder. Twice-exceptional children think and process information differently.

Can you cheat in Hogwarts Mystery? ›

Now, you might be wondering, "Are there really cheats and hacks for Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery?" The answer is a resounding yes! Our Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Cheats and Hacks are designed to give you an extra edge in the game, allowing you to progress faster and conquer challenges with ease.

What happens if you get expelled in Hogwarts mystery? ›

The student would be removed permanently from school, and the Ministry of Magic would confiscate one's wand and destroy it. From that point on, the youth in question would be forbidden from practising any more magic. Exceptions to this were made in cases where the expulsion occurred after they had taken their O.W.L.

How do you start a scavenger hunt riddle? ›

What are some good scavenger hunt clues for kids?
  1. If you want to eat, then take a seat! (Dining room chair)
  2. One of me per day keeps the doctor away. (Apple)
  3. I can't mix batter, but I can bake a cake. (Oven)
  4. I come in pairs, I'm easy to lose, I go between your feet and your shoes. (Socks)
Nov 30, 2022

How to do the best scavenger hunt? ›

How to organise a scavenger hunt in 10 steps
  1. Consider a ticketing platform. ...
  2. Scout out locations. ...
  3. Plan the route. ...
  4. Write the clues. ...
  5. Recruit confederates. ...
  6. Distribute the clues. ...
  7. Create a backup plan. ...
  8. Include small rewards.
Oct 15, 2019

Can you romance Penny in Hogwarts Mystery? ›

Penny is one of the characters available as a Romance option for all the relevant Achievements.

Who can you date as a girl in Hogwarts Mystery? ›

You will be able to pick one out of six possible date choices. Three of them – Merula, Tulip, and Penny are on the left side of the screen. You can find the other three – Andre, Talbott, and Barnaby on the right side.

Do you get a love interest in Hogwarts Mystery? ›

Dating is a component of Friendship in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Dating unlocks upon completion of the “First Date” Achievement, which is unlocked upon reaching Year 4, Chapter 8. Alternatively, you can complete Year 4, Chapter 9 to unlock Dating.

How many 2e students are there? ›

Many schools may not offer the specific types of services and instruction these learners need to reach their potential. According to the International Dyslexia Association, these students, known as “twice exceptional” or “2e” students, make up about 2 percent to 5 percent of all school-age children.

What is the 2e class at Hogwarts mystery? ›

Classroom 2E is where Charms classes are taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and it is located on the third floor, on the Charms Corridor. The classroom has three rows of desks, all facing the teacher's table, behind which sits a large upholstered chair with a high back.

What does 2e mean in schools? ›

2e Handbook

Twice-exceptional (2e) learners are students who have the ability to think, reason, and problem-solve at very high levels, and they also have special education needs. FCPS wants to provide 2e students with classroom settings that recognize and encourage their intellectual strengths.

Where is room 2E in Hogwarts? ›

Classroom 2E is where Charms classes are taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and it is located on the third floor, on the Charms Corridor. The classroom has three rows of desks, all facing the teacher's table, behind which sits a large upholstered chair with a high back.

What is classroom 3C Hogwarts mystery? ›

Classroom 3C is where Defense Against the Dark Arts class is taught. It is located on the third floor. In 1991, Professor Quirinus Quirrell taught in a different classroom because the Third Floor Corridor was out of bounds.

What was your second class Hogwarts mystery? ›

Q. What was our second class? - Potions.

What is classroom 1E Hogwarts Mystery? ›

Classroom 1E was a classroom that was located on the first floor of Hogwarts Castle.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

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Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.