1. Petain (1993) - Turner Classic Movies - TCM
Petain. 2h 15m 1993. Overview; Synopsis; Credits; Film Details; Notes ...
Watch TCM is the convenient way to watch great classic films when you want, where you want uncut, commercial free... and it's absolutely free.
2. Petain - Apple TV (FR)
Petain. History 1993 2 hr 13 min. Henri Philippe Pétain (Jacques Dufilho) embraces anti-Semitic policies after the Nazis occupy France during World War II.
Henri Philippe Pétain (Jacques Dufilho) embraces anti-Semitic policies after the Nazis occupy France during World War II.
The Reverend Father Marie-Alain Couturier, O.P.1 (1897-1954) is most often remembered for his remarkable impact on religious art and architecture in France.
The Eye of Vichy is a remarkable and disturbing historical document. Anyone with an interest in WWII will find it as illuminating as it is disturbing.
5. Research - Julia Cagé
The book was awarded the Special Jury Prize for Best Book on Media of the 2016 edition of the “Prix des Assises du Journalisme”. Research Papers. "The Far-Right ...
Publications in refereed journals Books Research Papers Work in Progress Publications in Computer Sciences Chapters in books & White papers Unpublished articles and “oldies” Non-academic Publications See the dedicated page
6. Military Agency Records | National Archives
Before long, however, the Bank's functions in regard to German reparations were interrupted. ... 1993) pp. 70-73. Useful for understanding the British ...
1. Researchers may find useful Henry Stimson, On Active Service in Peace and War (New York: Harper, 1948); William D. Leahy, I Was There: The Personal Story of the Chief of Staff to Presidents Roosevelt and Truman Based on His Notes and Diaries Made at the Time (New York: Whittlesley House, 1950); Ernest J. King, Fleet Admiral King: A Naval Record (New York: W. W. Norton, 1952); Forrest C. Pogue, George C. Marshall: Organizer of Victory (New York: Viking Press, 1973). [Back to text] 2.
7. Vichy's shame | France - The Guardian
May 11, 2002 · ... Pétain. The Pétain-Hitler deal cut France in half. In return for total collaboration, Pétain's puppet government was allowed to police the ...
Much of France has reacted with outrage to Le Pen's strong showing in the presidential elections. Yet it is a country that, over decades, has had to come to terms with its fascist past during the war years.
8. Military Developments of World War I - 1914-1918 Online
May 7, 2015 · Both the popular and the scholarly images of that war paint the picture of a four-year long ... extended the battle space below the surface as ...
Despite World War I’s reputation as a senseless bloodbath whose military operations were devoid of any intelligent thought, the period 1914-1918 was history’s single largest revolution in military tactics and technologies. Virtually nothing about standard battlefield operations prior to 1914 remained valid after 1918. Likewise, almost everything about battlefield operations in 1918 remains valid today, albeit adapted to the ever-increasing advances in weapons and technologies. What emerged from World War I, then, was what we recognize today as the Modern Style of Warfare. Virtually all military advances since 1918 have been incremental technical improvements to the efficiency of the conceptual model of the Modern Style of Warfare.