Daily News from New York, New York (2024)

First Lady Cool in First Raid London, Oct. 26 through her first London air thusiastic cheers from women Auxiliary when she ignored her address before an officers' There were two alarms a few hours apart. The first, at lunch time, came when two Nazi raiders crossed the coast and headed for London under cover of clouds. The second was caused by the approach of a single German plane. Two of the planes were shot down but neither gunfire nor bombs were heard in the London area.

Inspects Big ATA After spending the night at the countr home of Prime Minister and Mrs. Winston Churchill, Mrs. Roosevelt, in company with Mrs. Churchill and Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby, head of the American WAAC, inspected a big ATA depot.

Girl pilots and mechanics were lined up stiffly at attention before planes ranging from the smallest trainer to four-engined bombers. Mrs. Roosevelt met Miss Lettice Curtis, first British woman to fly a four-engined bomber. Standing under the wing of a giant Halifax bomber, the American First Lady spoke briefly to the pilots and ground staff--the latter of both sexes- was cheered by them. "We have a ferry service but we have not used women as much as you," she said.

"I think those who came over from our country will soon find themselves joined both here and in the U. S. A. by a great many more who are going to be very grateful for experience gained from Britain." Busy, and Going Strong. Regarding female ground crews, she said: "We have not used women in these jobs but I imagine I'll get home and find this work beginning." Mrs.

Roosevelt's visit threatens to out-pace that of Wendell Willkie as far as going places and seeing By KATHLEEN WAREHOUSE Piano Sale Wed. OTHER Thurs. DAYS A TILL 8 P. M. OPEN Pianos 219 NEW AND USED ALL MAKES SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR PIANG Small used 88 note modern grand.

$189 Fine Spinet (floor sample) 88 note offered at a bargain $259 Used Special. Spinet $99 Small upright 88 note $25 Player pianos $19 Easy Monthly Payments DOCHTERMANN PIANOS 135 14 St. bet. 6 7Av. N.


Roosevelt went calmly raid alarm today, drawing enpilots of the Air Transport the sirens and went on with mess. Roosevelt, accompanied by Mrs. in South America. TIMES SQ. FREE EXHIBIT YEAR-ROUND VACATION HOMES Offered Under Our New Sensational PRIORITY PLAN CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS This Beautiful Model INCLUDING COMPLETELY LANDSCAPED OR WOODED PLOT OVERLOOKING PRIVATE MOUNTAIN LAKE $90 DOWN $10 A MONTH FROM 50 NEW MINUTES YORK Is all you need now to start on the road to ownership of, your own all-year or vacation home under our unique Home Savings Priority Plan.

SPECIAL TERMS TO DEFENSE WORKERS FULL PRICE $1990 NO FINANCE CHARGES Automobiles not necessary to reach Lake Hiawatha, direct Bus and Train connections. A duplicate of this year-round de luxe vacation home may be seen at 230 West 41st N. Y. C. (near Times Square).

It is fully furnished. It has a spacious living room with paneled walls and a huge fieldstone log-burning fireplace. The kitchen is modern and the fully equipped bathroom has a tiled shower. You will also see beautifully colored motion pictures showing our hundreds of Summer and year-round homes in their gorgeous natural setting of hills and woods at beautiful Lake Hiawatha and depicting recreational facilities (bathing, boating, fishing, tennis, handball, golf, skating, skiing) in this wonderful nearby year-round vacation paradise. Exhibit Open Week Days 10 A.

M. to 10 P. M. Sundays Until Noon This sensational new Priority Plan coupled with our amazing low prices has created tremendous public interest. These homes are selling FAST! Come up to our 'exhibit, see the Wonder Model at $1,990 and learn the interesting details of our new finance plan at your earliest opportunity.

If you cannot make it today or tomorrow, telephone or mail the coupon for our booklet, photos and plans. ENTIRE 16TH FLOOR HERALD TRIBUNE BUILDING 230 West 41st Street, New York City (Near Times -between 7th and 8th Avenues) Phone CHickering 4-2810 Mail This Coupon Today Troy Hills, Herald Tribune 230 West N. Y. C. Without cost or obligation on my part, you may send me full details of your new Priority Plan for Summer and year-round Vacation Houses: also pictures of free your round Vacation trip community transportation, and of your various models.

road map; Name Address 10-27 things is concerned, but the First Lady was going strong and showed no signs of fatigue. Her schedule, designed so that she may learn first hand of wartime Britain and also visit as many American troops as possible, was not disclosed for security reasons. During the afternoon, Mrs.Roosevelt inspected two more ATA establishments. "I was particularly impressed," she said, "by the spirit in which many women are doing things very different in every respect from their usual way of life and continue to do their jobs no matter what the weather conditions." Late in the afternoon, Mrs. Hobby and Henry J.

Morgenthau, inspected a club operated by Mrs. Anthony J. Drexel Biddle Jr. for American Army nurses. Members of the club staff include Lady Jersey (the former movie star Virginia Cherrill) and Lady Valerie Goulding, daughter of Sir Walter Monckton, and Eleanor Ungerlund, a Red Cross nurse from Monroe Place, Brooklyn.

Among those with whom Mrs. Roosevelt chatted were Myrtle Allen of Hawthorne, N. Virginia Far, West Orange, N. and Virginia Garst, Kansas City, and two colored Red Cross workers, Gladys Martin of St. Louis and Ruth Attaway of Chicago.

Prince Visits Dutch Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana, Oct. 26 -Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands arrived here by plane today from Curacao on his first visit to this Netherlands territory don't forget October 31st is the last day to send Christmas gifts to the men in the overseas services. do it today! send him one of these 4 grand, usable gifts a man in the service really wants! from our main floor military gift shop (A) shoe-shine bag--soft duffle-type bag with drawstring closing. Contains shoe brush, dauber, shoe polish, saddle soap and polishing cloth. In khaki or navy- 3.00 (B) money belt -water-repellent belt in khaki; has 3 pockets closed by snaps; lightweight and durable 1.25 (C) sewing kit compact and complete with scissors, needles, thread, pins and "buttons; khaki or (D) fitted khaki apronties around the waist, contains soap and container, tooth brush, comb and face 3.00 B.

ALTMAN Fifth Avenue, N. Y. item quan. color price name address charge I c. o.

d. 1.0 check enclosed Fitth Avenue at 34th Street Telephone MU. 9-7000 Also at Our East Orange and White Plains Shops.

Daily News from New York, New York (2024)
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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.